Push Hard


It’s not the dazzling voice that makes a singer. Or clever stories that make a writer. It’s having a dream and wanting to live it so greatly that one would rather move with it and “fail” than succeed in another realm. You so have what it takes,
The Universe

What’s your dream? Share it with others. Speak it. Live it. Be a yes for openings because each yes is a directional step creating momentum and experience toward our dreams.

We create our world every time we open our mouths. Pay attention to what you are we speaking for and what you are standing for. If you are not sure look around at the people and experiences surrounding you. Are they supporting who you are and what you are committed to? Surround yourselves with people who will help you reach your goals. Push hard and know that as long as you are in action you are moving in the direction you are speaking. It starts with a step.

You got this!

About Conversations We Engage in

…and the natural way groups form in any organization where there are more than 2 people. An interesting thing, this tribal way we find and connect to those around us who have like interests, like views, and like objectives. We experience some commonality that makes us feel a part of something. We experience a sense of belonging and place that pulls us together. It can be powerful, comforting and profound, but those outside these groups can feel invisible, isolated and shut out.

Depending on where we stand, we look out at that world through the lens of our beliefs, our fears, our curiosities and judgements.  Why are we thrown to bringing people down? People who have done nothing to those who berate and separate them, giving them no possibility at all to move, to grow, to thrive and to be understood. Gossip, snide remarks, giggles from online exchanges can divide. We miss out on what we can learn from one another.

You never know what someone is going through in their personal life and what comment or dismissal will be their tipping point. I have stopped listening for anything that doesn’t come from love, empathy and kindness.  I am committed to having people stand and be seen. Try it and see what shifts in your world.

The Story of Your Life


Start telling the story of your life in new terms and see what expands for you and your life. When you are approaching life from your eternal viewpoint, you understand the limitless possibility that manifests each moment in your life. New desires radiate from you whether you speak it or not creating the world you walk through. Life expands-are you keeping up with that expansion?  When you ask for greater wellness, life expands. Are you keeping up with it? We tend to observe where we are. We are surrounded by the isness of what is. It has our attention. When you are fixated on what is, you seperate yourself from the larger version of you. You get fixated on the details of where you are and it keeps you from standing in the expanded, broader part of you.

The larger part of you becomes what you’ve asked for. Fine tune, focus. Vibration wasn’t build yesterday–you add to it, amend it– ask for what you want. Once you expand to an new place you then have to move to that expansion. You cannot stay where you are! Feeling despair, you are so far from this expansion you start judging others, hating, sabotage. Change your conversation. What’s  staying alive by your actions and your conversations?  What’s holding you from become the expanded person you are.

The universe gives us clues–recognize them and things start showing up for us. Drop your old belief system along the way–stop beating the drum of where you are rather than what you want. Step into who you’ve become. The universe will require this of you by presenting you with discomfort, frustration and struggle to give you a push or a kick. Knowing what you don’t want gives birth to what you DO want. No means yes. Let the yes be born and turn your attention to THAT. Knowing what you don’t want identifies what you do want. Turn your attention to what you want. Allow the wellbeing that is yours. The better you feel, the more you are allowing it, the worse you feel the more you are not allowing it. Expect things to go your way, believe and step into the expanded side of you. At the same time let go of your attachments.

love, Kate

An Early Morning Cafe’

An Early Morning Cafe’

At the summit of the Trade Center
107 stories into urban ether
the Windows of the World Cafe
served pate’ and poached salmon
to diners staring down
into the caverns of Manhattan,
but early in the September morning,
the sommelier and maitre d’
still asleep in their far-away flats,
only the sous-chef and banquet staff
had arrived to peel the shrimp,
trim the artichokes, and wash
the leaves of the escarole.
Simple work in silence with your mates
in an empty early morning cafe’
is a pleasure: jokes, mild complaining,
a hummed tune or two,
sneaking a cigarette in a quiet alcove,
stories of luck in last night’s poker,
when suddenly a berserk machine
decides to murder a building with fire.
Like a badly shot elephant,
the hundred and six stories holding up
your peeling knife and lettuce drier
wobbled and shook for a little while.
Smoke belched out from blown-out eye sockets
but when the flames began melting the bones,
it all tumbled down on top of itself in
a smoking gray heap, the shrimp,
the artichokes, the escarole, fifty thousand
bottles of elegant wine, joining
in a sticky red downpour:
type A, type O, Chateau Lafitte, Rothschild.
Pouilly Fuisse ’79, type AB ’49,
and you yourself unless you leapt
out one of the windows of the world
to try with your imaginary wings
to finish the flight to the city of angels.
Humans so riddled with hate they transmogrified
from men to bombs to smash the girders
under your cafe’, though they’d never met you at all,
to murder you for the glory of God
with your apron still smeared with shrimp guts.
It was always thus. Try killing an abstraction
by murdering a building from the air,
but all you kill is Bob and Edna
and Sallie and Rodrigo and Mei-Mei.
A building is only a set of artificial legs
to hold up human beings in the air,
and an airplane only a sheet of folded paper.
But 50,000 bottles of good wine
and ten gallons of fresh gulf shrimp,
and Bob and Edna and all the rest.
Now that is something real!
If you think you’ve bagged the one truth
and that truth wants final sacrifice,
then you have stepped outside the human race,
and your plane will not land in heaven
wherever you think it might be.
Heaven in an early morning cafe’.
Wherever you are.

Bill Holm Playing the Black Piano
© Milkweed Press, 2004

Relationships Ah relationships.

Over the course of our lives friends, like it or not,  come and go. All contribute greatly to who we are and show us new ways to experience life.  We, over time, develop expectations of one another consciously or not. We may feel disappointment for the times we feel they are not there for us.  We may feel a pang of jealousy when other friends compete for their time. We may feel grief when they move away or become distant.We feel loss when they start new relationships that take them away from us.

People come into each others life to share their light with us. Enjoy the perspective they provide us, bask in the light they share and know we are constantly in a dance with one another.  There is no mistake we meet the people we do. There is no mistake we cross paths with so many others. Celebrate and drink it in while it is there. It is who makes us who we are today. They will always be a part of us and never separate.

On our path

Each of us is on our own path and we all learn differently. Because of this it is important to not interfere with another’s path of growth.

This is difficult because we are all hard-wired to help, intervene, manipulate, judge, give advice, share the benefits of our own experiences, and have a distinct point-of-view – this is what it is to be human.

It takes practice to understand that each of us have our own path unfolding for the Good of us.

Not to say we stand idlely by and refuse to help in those rare situations where we SHOULD intervene – I’m talking about the “saving” someone part. Those times we want to intervene in someone’s life with a perception that our experience will actually benefit them. Many times this unrequested  intervention is unwelcomed or ignored when delivered.

These are the times we need to step back and trust that anothers’ path, like our own, is a perfect unfoldment for growth and development.

Surrender and ride the wind. It will take us to places we most need to go.

The Power of Information

Environmental working group website. Loaded with rating and tip, information and research on products.

Some topics include:

Chemical Index/Energy Tips/Farming/Health/Sunscreens/Toxins and much much more. Get the real information on what we are consuming and being exposed to so we can make healthy choices.