Book + Movie List

Also, look at the Category List for Books and Movies.


Mind is the Athlete: An Exploration of Consciousness and Cause – Betty Albee


Scientific Metaphysics is an exploration of the nature of reality from the standpoint that Consciousness sources and constitutes every aspect of life. Consciousness constructs.

This book inquires into the fundamental nature of reality and of human beings, functioning as a unique entity. This inquiry is essential in identifying what’s actually present when you and I show up.

The study of Scientific Metaphysics offers the possibility of living with choice and control. Your divinity (reality as Spirit) embraces and constitutes your humanity (existence as a conscious human being) and your daily experience of life.

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gibert
The Mighty & The Almighty by Madeleine Albright


Harold and Maude –What it really means to be alive and age is a theory

Being There — Profound. That’s all I say…watch it!

I Heart Huckabees — A movie that keeps giving and giving and giving. My favorite of all time.

My Dinner with Andre — More than a conversation

Team America— F*#k yeah!

Mindwalk–Liv Ullmann, Sam Waterston, John Heard

2 thoughts on “Book + Movie List

  1. Ahaha. I must reply to this…only because you know me so well and we’ve talked about some of these.

    First off, can’t WAIT to read betty Albee’s book yu mentioned above – that is, if I can retain that I want to read it with all that is going on for me at the moment ::wink::

    In the beginning stages of E, P, L.

    Now onto movies…
    I SO grew up watching Harold and Maude. So I’ve had the joy of taking bits from it as a child, teenager and adult. We had it on Beta when I was a lad, and it was the only reason we kept that VCR around. I bet my parents still have it tucked away somewhere for the memories. Being little meant I didn’t understand the whole story, the love and agelessness of it all. What I understood were the pranks, especially the hanging and also the gory bathtub scene. I was actually quite confused and disturbed by it. (I grew up in a v. adult household). But the other parts that stuck out for me were: the part where Harold is looking at Maude’s artwork, especially the sculpture. And the part where he dances off to Cat Stevens. You see, for me it was much more about music, the music my Dad loved to play by ear from the movie.

    I heart H. I tried to love it. In fact so many friends requested that I see it immediately, that I bought it, instead of renting it, figuring I would adore it. I didn’t. But because you do. I shall try again and watch it with you in my head. Yay. Maybe this time I will get it.

    TA – shut it off after 25 mins. You want it? Hahah. Again, will need to try it.

    MDW/A – intrigued, will go google.

    Hope you and Taps are having a wicked wonderful and warm weekend.


  2. Someone else who loves I Heart Huckabees! The thing I don’t think people understand about that movie is it’s pure ecstasy. That movie is all about the joy and pain of thinking about things bigger than ourselves. I think the movie prevents me from becoming completely cynical about the world.

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