
Take it all in. Push the pedal, take roads unfamiliar. See where it takes you. There is an adventure around every turn. Take the wheel, set your sights and be willing to get lost. It’s when we think we are most lost, we realize what we have found. Remember speedy, you are the mentor you seek. Zoom, zoom!

Finding deep strength

There are times in our lives when we feel like we don’t have the strength to carry on… when life gets heavy and the path narrows. The news is too much, the challenges great and the outlook bleak. We feel exhausted, overwhelmed and defeated. Be assured you not only the have the strength to carry on, but also the resiliency and intuition to trust that the universe is constantly opening doors for you. We survived challenges before and those challenges may have taken us to new directions that are richer and deeper than we could have ever predicted. Trust. You know more than you think you do. You really do.